Selasa, 26 April 2016


1.  Pengertian.
Gerund adalah kata kerja yang diberi tambahan akhiran berupa -ing sehingga yang semula kata kerja menjadi kata benda sehingga bisa dijadikan subjek atau objek kalimat.
Contoh: Living in the big city make me dizzy all day.
Infinitive adalah bentuk dasar dari sebuah kata kerja. Dalam penggunaannya ia bisa menjadi subjek atau objek kalimat jika ditambah dengan “to”.
Contoh: To make you happy is my vision.
Gerund (verb+ing) dan infinitive (to+verb) sama-sama merupakan verbal yang dapat berfungsi sebagai noun. Yang menjadi permasalahan adalah kapan harus menggunakan gerund dan kapan harus menggunakan infinitive.
2.  Penggunaan Gerund dan Infinitive
Penjelasan mengenai penggunaan gerund dan infinitive beserta beberapa contohnya adalah sebagai berikut.
Contoh Kalimat Gerund/Infinitive
Keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai subject of a sentence.
Walking on the beach may be fun.
To walk on the beach may be fun.
Keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai subject complement, namun gerund lebih umum.
My goal is winning the prize.
My goal is to win the prize.
Direct object (object of verb)
Keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai direct object, namun ada ketentuan dalam penggunaannya. Beberapa verb hanya dapat menggunakan gerund, beberapa menggunakan infinitive, dan beberapa yang lain dapat menggunakan keduanya. Penjelasan lebih lengkap di bawah.
The man likes climbing the
The man likes to climb the mountain.
Gerund umum menjadi object of a preposition. Sedangkan pada infinitive, hanya beberapa preposition, antara lain: except dan but yang kadang-kadang diikuti infinitive.
The woman read a book about cooking.
You have no other option but to negotiate
with you manager.

3.  Verb yang Diikuti Gerund/Infinitive
Beberapa verb hanya dapat menggunakan gerund, beberapa menggunakan infinitive, dan beberapa yang lain menggunakan keduanya dengan makna yang sama maupun berbeda. Penjelasannya adalah sebagai berikut.
Contoh Kalimat Gerund/Infinitive
Diikuti infinitive
tanpa tambahan agent
agree, appear, begin,
care, choose, continue, decide, forget, happen, get, hate, learn, hope,
like, love, plan, prefer, refuse, seem, start, try, wait, etc
She forgot to come.
butuh tambahan agent
advise, allow, choose,
get, help, invite, teach, tell, etc
I told him to call you.
dapat ditambahkan agent
ask, beg, expect, need,
prepare, promise, want, etc
I need to know the correct
I need you to know
the correct answers.
tanpa “to”
feel, have, hear, help,
watch, see, etc
She heard you pass the exam.
Diikuti gerund
tanpa tambahan agent
acknowledge, advise, appreaciate, avoid, begin, consider, continue, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, forget, hate, (cannot) help, prefer, recommend, regret, remember, start, stop, teach, understand, etc
She enjoys dancing.
butuh tambahan agent
hear, watch, see, etc
I saw you throwing
the food.
Diikuti gerund/infinitive
tanpa perbedaan makna
begin, continue, hate,
like, love, prefer, start, etc
I continue studying.
I continue to study.
dengan perbedaan makna
forget, remember, stop,
She stopped eating chocolate.
(Dia berhenti makan coklat)
She stopped to eat chocolate.
[Dia berhenti (melakukan kegiatan lain) untuk makan coklat]

Kamis, 14 April 2016

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (koreksi)

Choose one which is wrong from the four choices

1.         She has finish working in the laboratories, and now she began to write the result of her experiment.
        A            B                                                                       C              D
Jawaban : A -> has finished (present perfect = has + Verb3)
2.         No one would have attended the lecture if you told the truth about the guest speaker.
A                                             B           C                                    D
Jawaban : B -> if you had told (type 3) (past perfect)
3.         If Rudy would have studied German in college, he would have not found the scientific terminology
   A                                              B                                                             C
so  difficlut to undertand.
Jawaban : A -> had studied (type 3) (past perfect)
4.         Our Spanish professor would like us spending more time in the laboratory practicing our pronunciation.
      A       B                                              C                    D
Jawaban : B -> to spend (to infinitive)
5.         Marry usually arrives at the office at nine o’clock, but because the strom, she was two hours late.
A                    B                                                       C                                                D
Jawaban : C -> because of (Phrase)
6.         The director felt badly about not giving Mary the position that she has sought with his company.
          A                      B                                              C                    D
Jawaban :  A -> Kata yang benar adalah bad, bukan badly
7.         The president went fishing after he has finished with the conference.
A                          B                     C                   D
Jawaban : D -> had finish
8.         Where do you live now? I live in Utah, my parents also do.
     A       B                                C                                    D
Jawaban : D -> my parents do
9.         After she had bought himself and automobile, she sholder bicycle.
  A                B                                         C              D
Jawaban : B -> her self
10.      The next important question we have to decide is when we have to submitting the proposal.
A                                             B                                   C                  D
Jawaban : D -> to submit (to infinitive)
11.      George hasn’t completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t either.
           A                                  B                    C                               D
Jawaban : C -> Karena sudah dinyatakan dengan hasn’t completed, jadi tidak perlu kata yet.
12.      After George had returned to his house, he was reading a book.
          A                     B               C           D
Jawaban : D -> read a book
13.      The manager has finished working on the report last night, and now she will begin to write the other
          A                   B                 C                                                                              D
Jawaban : A -> finished
14.      After take the medication, the patient became drowsy and more manageable.
     A                   B                                        C                                         D
Jawaban : A -> taking
15.      Because Sam and Jack had done all the work theirselves, they were unwilling to give the result to Joana.
      A                                      B                                      C                                                     D
Jawaban : C -> themselves

16.      It was him who came running into the classroom with the news.
A           B       C                   D
Jawaban : B -> he
17.      If crisis would occur, those unfamiliar with the procedures would not know how to handle the situation.
A                        B                            C                                                                    D
Jawaban : A -> occurred (type 2)
18.      Anybody who plans to attend the meeting ought send a short note to the chairperson.
A                B                                           C                                   D
Jawaban : C -> ought to send
19.      Louise is the more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part in the play.
A                             B                                       C                               D
Jawaban : A -> the most (superlative)
20.      Despite his smiling face, the second-place contestant is more sadder than the winner.
    A                  B                                            C                                     D
Jawaban : D -> tidak memerlukan kata more
21.      It has been a long time since we have talked, isn’t it?
A                  B                C                                       D
Jawaban : D -> hasn’t it, karena kata diawal kalimat menggunakan it has
22.      He is the only candidate who the faculty members voted not to retain on the list of eligible replacement
            A                        B                                                              C                                       D
fot Professor Kate.
Jawaban : B -> whom